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Edmonton Motorshow Revs up for Another Year

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It’s an annual event that takes countless hours, organization, and expertise to pull off, and it’s worth every second. Edmonton Motorshow continues to grow in popularity as guests of the event come from far and wide to experience everything the motor vehicle world has to offer.

“As always, we get the latest and greatest models. This year’s show features 2019 models and concept models that you won’t get in dealerships or on the street. You can have your own sneak peek into the future,” smiles Eleasha Naso, executive director, Edmonton Motor Dealers’ Association. “In the aftermarket lane, there are new exhibitors and custom power performance and bodywork builders that have not exhibited at Motorshow in the past. We enjoy showcasing these local vendors. Attending the show is a great way to get product manufacturing information, but also to see local vendors and their outstanding projects and products.”

In addition to all the major brands that are sending vehicles to the show, there’s a new addition – Alfa Romeo. Alfa Romeo’s roots go back to 1910. The company is driven by passion and is seeking to inject a little European flavour into the North American market.

“Alfa Romeo is a particular way of living, of experiencing an automobile. The real essence of Alfa defies description. It can be compared to those irrational movements of the spirit that sometimes occur in man, and for which there is no logical explanation. We are in the realm of sensations, passions, things that have more to do with the heart than with the head,” quoted Orazio Satta Puliga, Alfa Romeo head of design, in 1946[1].

While top luxury brands like Alfa Romeo and Rolls Royce look great in luxury lane, Alberta still holds the enviable Truck Country title – and that title isn’t going away anytime soon.

“The change in the price of oil has not affected our Truck Country,” confirms Naso. “We are still an agriculture-based province, and I don’t see us ever not being Truck Country. However, now there is a lot more competition with practical crossovers and SUVs. Things have changed; 20 years ago, when you bought gas for a large vehicle, it cost you a lot. Thanks to technology, that has changed.”

Case in point: the Ram will make its annual appearance as one of the province’s most popular trucks for rural areas, and the display will include the 2019 model.

Also making its annual return is the classic and collectable car auction in Hall D.

“It’s so much fun to watch!” Naso exclaims about the beautiful collectables that have been shined up for the auction. “The energy that happens, and seeing people outbid each other, is very entertaining.”

While the show is open to the public by admission from April 12 – 15, tickets to the Precious Metal Gala, an elegant evening that officially opens the show, can be purchased separately.

“The Precious Metal Gala is the best way to see the show,” confirms Naso. “The presidents of the major manufacturing companies are there. The house lights are off and it’s not as crowded. Some of the premier vehicles are unlocked – just for that night – giving you the chance to sit in them and take a photo. There is also a huge array of catered food. It’s not a sit-down dinner, but you don’t leave hungry.”

The Precious Metal Gala also functions as a fundraiser that provides grants for high school shop programs throughout Edmonton, and scholarships for the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT). High schools receive annual grants because their shop programs are expensive to maintain. It’s important for students to have the latest training on the latest technologies when they graduate.

“We presented $270,000 in funding last year,” says Naso with pride.”

Naso points out that Edmonton Motorshow is for everyone.

“It’s not just a show you go to if you are in the market for a car (but if you are, it’s a great way to see all the models in one convenient spot). It’s a really fun time. Vehicles play such a large role in our lives. To see the differences in the models, the future-forward concept cars, the accessories, the competitions and give-aways, the (weather dependent) drift track, and more: it’s an outing for the whole family.”

Naso concludes, “I’m passionate about trucks and cars. To get to see them moving in, to sit in them before the show, to see what’s new and what’s coming, and to get to share that with people is very special.”

Edmonton Motorshow has the second largest footprint in Canada for car and truck shows. It takes a minimum of 2-3 hours to explore the show, but plan on making a day of it. There is no shortage of things to do and see on site. For information on the Motorshow and/or the Precious Metal Gala, visit


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