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Why Small Business Week is Crucial for Edmonton’s Economy

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Small businesses are the backbone of any thriving economy. They create employment opportunities, contribute to communities and generate revenue. In Edmonton, small businesses play a crucial role in boosting the local economy.

Edmonton has a vibrant small business community, with over 33,000 small businesses, accounting for more than 80 per cent of all businesses in the city. According to the City of Edmonton’s Economic Indicators Report, small businesses in Edmonton generate around 30 per cent of the city’s GDP and provide employment to over 250,000 people. The same report states that the top industries for small businesses in Edmonton are construction, professional services and retail trade.

Just a few great reasons to support your local small businesses include:


  • When you shop at a small business, your money is going directly to the business owner and their employees, which helps to create jobs in the area. Additionally, shopping locally helps to keep businesses in the community open, which can help to attract new businesses and investment to the area.


  • Shopping locally allows you to discover new products that may not be available anywhere else.


  • Shopping locally also gives you an opportunity to get involved in your community by supporting local causes and charities. Many small businesses will donate a portion of their profits to charities or sponsor events such as fundraisers or festivals, which can help bring people together and build stronger communities.


  • Shopping locally also helps protect the environment by reducing emissions from transportation since goods don’t have to travel long distances before they reach consumers.


  • When you shop locally at small businesses, you are helping create jobs in your community. Small business owners typically hire local workers who live nearby, which helps strengthen the local economy by providing more job opportunities.


Small Business Week (SWB) is celebrated annually throughout Canada in October. Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) organizes this week to recognize the invaluable contributions of small businesses to the country’s economy. With informative webinars, networking sessions and award ceremonies, small business owners can access tools and resources they need to celebrate SBW. Each province – and city – hosts their own, local SBW events and celebrations. In addition to companies accessing BDC resources for SBW, Chambers often set up their own events and networking opportunities.

The Edmonton Chamber of Commerce provides support and resources for small businesses locally. You can follow the Chamber of Commerce’s website to stay updated with the upcoming events and find out how to participate locally in SBW.

Small businesses play a vital role in Edmonton’s economy, and Small Business Week is an excellent opportunity to show your support. Edmonton’s small business landscape is diverse and thriving, and it’s essential to support these enterprises to maintain a robust local economy.

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