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Innovate Edmonton Introduces Edmonton’s Newest Innovation Destination

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Innovate Edmonton has a bold vision to position Edmonton as a global innovation capital by supporting Edmonton-made solutions to global challenges. As part of this vision, and to accelerate homegrown innovation and attract strategic investment, Innovate Edmonton is announcing a new public space for operations, program delivery, co-working and events. Edmonton’s newest innovation destination is scheduled to open downtown in fall 2022 as the first home of Innovate Edmonton.

Innovate Edmonton is leasing the street-level, loft-style space located at 10107 Jasper Avenue, which will provide a highly visible and accessible home for Edmonton’s diverse and growing innovation communities. Once renovated, the 18,000+ square footprint will provide ample room for Innovate Edmonton’s operations and three program divisions, startup community members, world-class accelerators and the city’s innovation communities.

“Sustainable development, accessibility, downtown revitalization and innovation placemaking were all key considerations in selecting this new space,” said Innovate Edmonton CEO Catherine Warren. “Edmonton’s newest innovation destination aims to be an inclusive and welcoming environment for innovators in every sector, at all stages of growth, across every demographic and will reflect Edmonton’s innovation success and diversity.”

The destination will provide opportunities for art installations and flexible spaces, including open collaboration workplaces, a 100-seat programming room, production studio and pitch gallery to invite the collision of ideas and collaborative partnerships. It will host events for international startups, multinationals and enlightened investors interested in all that Edmonton has to offer.

“Innovate Edmonton was created by City council with a mandate of innovation and ecosystem building,” said Edmonton City Mayor Amarjeet Sohi. “They play a key role in delivering on the City’s Economic Action Plan (EAP) and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. The destination will create a space for innovators to grow, create jobs, attract investment and strengthen Edmonton’s economy.”

With its inviting street-level location, Innovate Edmonton also aims to put innovation in the public realm and create a flagship for Edmonton’s global innovation brand. Innovate Edmonton’s first home will be purpose-built to spotlight, support and convene home-grown innovators as they finance and market solutions for the world’s biggest challenges, including the climate emergency, food security, public health, digital divide, social justice and reconciliation.



  • Since launching operations in December 2020, Innovate Edmonton has not had a physical location and staff have mainly been working from home. This innovation destination is the first home of Innovate Edmonton and will play an important role in downtown revitalization and urban placemaking.


  • With the launch of Innovate Edmonton, Startup Edmonton’s current lease expiring at the Mercer Building, the recent expansion of Scaleup Edmonton, and Accelerate Edmonton’s programs and fund, the timing was right to consider other spaces that would accommodate Edmonton’s diverse and growing innovation communities.


  • Occupancy is planned for fall 2022 and Innovate Edmonton’s team will continue mainly working from home as they have done since the organization’s inception in 2020. Startup Edmonton’s current lease at the Mercer is extended until October 2022 and will continue to offer co-working space to members and the startup community.


  • Innovate Edmonton has offered to work with the owners of the Mercer Building to support a smooth transition, including through referrals to prospective tenants and joint activations that lead to downtown vibrancy, entrepreneurship, and innovation placemaking.


  • Innovate Edmonton looks forward to continuing to engage Edmontonians as final plans for the new space come together.

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