August 2024
IN this issue

Trailblazing Through Collaboration
Jen Hancock is the Vice President of Collaborative Construction at Chandos and the Board Chair of Edmonton Construction Association (ECA). Chandos, a construction company, aspires

Raywalt – Celebrating 45 Years
Raywalt, with a legacy dating back to 1979, is an example of excellence in the installation of underground utilities. With more than four decades of

Remuda – Celebrating 10 Years
Steve Schouten started out in construction in 2007 building decks and fences, and as his business grew, he brought on more crews and equipment to

The Skilled Trade Option
For various reasons, in Alberta and throughout North America, the perception and the option of working in a skilled trade has been devalued, upstaged and

Edmonton’s Senior Living Lifestyle
With any luck, good genes, despite some physical speedbumps and shrugging off a swamp of trite clichés – like “getting old is not so bad

Building for the Future
The official ground breaking happened in May and the corner of 109th Street and 105th Avenue is already bustling with orange-vested crews, heavy construction equipment