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Amii Invites the World To AI Week With $100,000 In Travel Bursaries

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Cam Linke, CEO of Amii.

In anticipation of AI Week, May 24 – 27, 2022, the Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute (Amii) announced the first $100,000 in travel bursaries for emerging researchers and applied artificial intelligence (AI) professionals globally. The Global Talent Bursary program will facilitate upwards of 500 guests to attend AI Week in Edmonton. For more information and to apply, head over to

“As we prepare to celebrate 20 years of AI research excellence, I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to invite the world to AI Week. The Global Talent Bursary program makes it financially viable for more of our peers, alumni and collaborators to come to the conference. It also provides amazing access to our rich community to plan future endeavours. I hope you’ll apply and come to AI Week to find your next role, learn more about a dynamic research domain and find collaborators for startup ventures,” says Cam Linke, CEO of Amii.

Global Talent Bursary recipients receive exclusive access to events at AI Week including an Academic Symposium featuring content from Amii’s deep well of world-leading researchers, a VIP Career Mixer and more. In addition, Amii is pleased to offer Global Talent Bursaries for individuals from groups who are typically underrepresented in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields, recent immigrants to Canada and individuals from rural communities. Applications are completed on the basis of self-identification.

Recipients will also enjoy access to a special AI Week lecture from Richard S. Sutton, Chief Scientific Advisor, Fellow and Canada CIFAR AI Chair at Amii. One of the world-leaders in the field reinforcement learning, Dr. Sutton is a Distinguished Research Scientist at DeepMind and one of the world’s foremost thinkers about AI, the mind and what it means to be intelligent.

“I invite you to join us for four days of workshops, social events, educational events – experts and students, meeting each other and seeing the Edmonton ecosystem. We have travel bursaries available for early-career researchers of all types, and we’re excited to meet people and learn a little bit about AI together,” says Sutton.

The inaugural AI Week presented by Amii is a four-day celebration of Alberta’s 20-year history of excellence in AI and machine learning. The event will run from May 24-27, 2022 in Edmonton with a mix of in-person, hybrid and digital first offerings. With programming for all audiences, the event marks Amii’s 5th anniversary and the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Amii research centre at the University of Alberta. For updates and announcements, join the AI Week Insiders List at

The celebration will feature a variety of events and programming focused around AI and machine learning. Audiences of all ages will have an opportunity to connect with AI leaders in research and industry, explore the promise and possibilities of the technology and immerse themselves in the science of AI and machine learning.

AI Week presented by Amii will take place from May 24 to 27, 2022 at a range of venues across Edmonton. This year will mark the inaugural year of what will become an annual celebration of Alberta’s AI community. Stay up-to-date on announcements and programming by joining the AI Week Insiders List at

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