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A Head Start for Big Dreams

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“We want people to dream big and imagine the possibilities that come with zero mortgage payments on a half-million-dollar building. It’s the opportunity of a lifetime.”

These are the words of Julie and Shane Kissel. The Kissel’s business, AgZone, opened 11 years ago and has been a great success for the pair; so much so, that they outgrew their location. So, they decided to move to a larger facility and give away their original space.

“This opportunity is our way of paying the dream forward because we couldn’t have achieved our success without the support of our incredible community. The Village of Glendon can’t wait to receive and support Canada’s next big dreamer.”

The contest winner receives, for the price of $1 and a $250 application fee, AgZone’s original commercial space of 9,000 square feet and 1.5 acres of land. Contestants were encouraged to submit their business ideas for the shot at walking away with this incredible mortgage-free prize. The Village of Glendon will be sponsoring their portion of the winner’s municipal taxes for the first year.

Imagination has been the focus of the competition campaign all along, and it’s also what got the Kissels’ business off the ground in the first place.

“With owning and operating our business in Glendon for nearly 12 years, what I have come to realize is that it is not only possible to own a successful business in a small community, but it can also thrive. All it takes is a little ingenuity, elbow grease, and supporting the community.”

It’s not just about Glendon being a great spot to open shop, either. It’s also practical.

“Owning a business in Glendon makes it easier on the pocketbook due to lower overhead costs, which can really make a big difference for startups,” Julie explains. “Not to mention, we have amazing locals that are ready and willing to support businesses in town, especially the ones that make an effort to address the needs of the community. Due to all those factors, we have been able to find our own success in business, and really couldn’t have done it without Glendon.”

Small businesses make up the majority of businesses (and therefore job providers) in Alberta. The Kissels were able to take their love and experience of farming and convert it into a local farm equipment and forage operation, which has had a huge impact on the community – and the Kissels. Now the Kissels want another entrepreneur to experience small business success too.

Why did they basically give their space away for free? “Why not?” Julie exclaims. “If we can give a business an amazing boost or head start, why wouldn’t we? So many people have great business ideas but are financially challenged, making growth nearly impossible. Hopefully this will inspire individuals to pursue their business aspirations.  I simply saw it as a wonderful way to pay it forward!”

You can follow the competition and its results by going to or finding them on Facebook at Dream Big Canada.

The deadline for the entries was December 31, 2019. The list of 25 finalists will be released online, just before they narrow it down to the top 5. Dream Big Canada will reveal the winning candidate live on Facebook.

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